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         It has been almost four years since I first decided to investigate working on the concept of our childhood dreams.  However, I wasn’t quite sure how to go about this, and through a process of trial and error, have found the correct path.  I began interviewing people during my travels, both in San Francisco and elsewhere.   The past four years of encounters with childhood dream-stories from people around the world has brought me to an only one single consequence: death. Our childhood dreams were simply dead, and we have lost what we had known about what to be and what to do very decisively.


         At almost 26 years old, my experience of asking and answering people about the future plans made me to realize another point.  People no longer held an exact imagination of themselves, in the near or far future. We have come to a point that expresses future plans in very unclear and indecisive ways. With these two main points, I have come to believe that I finally found out what I wanted to do with our childhood dreams. I want to remind people how we have once imagined ourselves in our childhood. Then, I want to bring those fantasies to our current lives, and to see ourselves in our current environment again. The bets vehicle for making this point is in photography and in writing. In this project, I photograph people in their current lives, while they are posing as their childhood fantasies. I listen to them, write their story down, and I film their experience around it. 





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